Art gréco-romain, IIe - Ie siècle av. J.-C.
Monture en or et intaille sur grenat
Ancienne collection privée, acquis dans les années 1970-1980
Puis par descendance, collection privée, 1998
A late hellenistic gold ring set with a garnet intaglio with trireme ship.
The hoop is rounded without, flatten within and surmounted by an oval bezel set with a large garnet intaglio, deeply carved.
Trireme sailing left, the oars lowered, billowing sails by the wind, the waves finely depicted.
The iconography refers to early roman coinage as the depictions of Pompey naval victories on silver denarii (see British Museum, R.9115 ). See also Tassie 986, Unpublished Tassie: TRAY 16.1. Ca. 2nd - 1st century B.C.
Description complète